Used in the real-time measurement on several electrical parameters in single-phase or 3-phase electric circuit and display by several LED nixietubes. One meter can instead of several common meters. Switching value output(higher and lower limit alarms)modules, analog value transmitting output module, RS485 communication module are offered at the free option of the user for some model. It can conveniently realize the setting of many parameters including transformer multiply power by the keyboard of instrument.
Current, voltage, frequency, power factor combined meter: For measuring 3-phase voltage, 3-phase current, frequency and power factor at the same time.
Single-phase voltage, current, frequency combined meter: For measuring single-phase voltage, single-phase current, frequency at the same time.
3-phase voltage, current, frequency combined meter: For measuring 3-phase voltage, 3-phase current, frequency at the same time
3-phase voltage, current combined meter: For measuring 3-phase voltage.
3-phase current at the same time 3-phase current combined meter: For measuring 3-phase current at the same time.